Ayurveda Treatment For Slip Disc at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres in Pune

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Overview on Ayurveda Treatment for Slip Disc

Ayurveda categorized Slip disc as one of diseases caused by vitiation Vata (one of the principle dosha in the body, responsible for the movement and functionality of the body). Treatment in Ayurveda is aimed at restoring the equilibrium through correction of the underlying functional in-equilibrium. Ayurvedic treatments for Slip disc concentrate on bringing back the aggravated vata to the state of equilibrium and thereby to the state of health. The therapies like Abyanga swedam, Nasyam, Pathrapotala swedam, Choornapinda swedam, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Kadeevasthy, Greevavasthy, Navarakizhi, Vasti etc. are done as per the necessity and condition. These therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammatory changes, releasing the spasms and nerve compressions in the affected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine, nourishing the joints through improving the circulation. Usually the treatment period is 4 – 5 weeks according to the severity of the disease.

تصفية حسب الإجراء

Atmantan ، مركز العافية - بيون ، ماهاراشترا

Village Palse, Tamhini Ghat Rd, Mulshi, Maharashtra 412108

نبذة عن المستشفى

  • ["Atmantan يمتد على مساحة 42 فدانًا من الوادي الأخضر المورق ، ويوجد به في Majy Sahyadris ، ويطل على بحيرة Mulshi البكر." الطرق والجو ، بسبب موقعها الاستراتيجي في Mulshi (محطة تلة بالقرب من Pune) "]

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تشخيص طبي

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