وادي الاندس مركز الايورفيدا ، ميسور ، كارناتاكا
for Podikizhi
Medicated powders are made into poultices and used for giving fomentation. It revives the cell of skin and offers glow and vitality. It stimulate nervous system and is helpful in backaches, joint aches, shoulder aches etc. advised in certain kinds of neurological conditions, over weight and obesity, arthritis, some types of acute pains like sciatica and lumbago.
نظرة عامة
يقع Indus Valley Ayurvedic Centre عند سفح تلال Chamundi ذات المناظر الخلابة وبجوار Royal Lalitamahal Palace ، وقد تم تصميم المركز على أساس المبادئ القديمة لفاستو ، علم البناء والهندسة المعمارية. وبالتالي ، تمتزج جميع الميزات الهيكلية بشكل متناغم لتوفر إحساسًا رائعًا بالتجربة والانسجام.
غير متأكد حول حزمة العافية التي تناسبك؟
هل أنت غير متأكد من الحزمة التي تختارها أو تشك في فعاليتها؟ أو هل أنت قلق بشأن الموقع والخدمات ومؤهلات مستشار الايورفيدا والمنتجات المستخدمة لعلاجات مختلفة؟ من السهل توضيح كل شكوك. ما عليك سوى مشاركة تفاصيل الاتصال الخاصة بك ، والتحدث إلى خبرائنا أو الحصول على استشارة مجانية عبر الإنترنت ، والحصول على جميع الإجابات عن أسئلتك في أي وقت من الأوقات. b>
لغة الكلام
English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, يمكن ترتيب المترجمين للغات أخرى
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الحزم المتاحة
تجمع هذه الحزم مزيجًا عالميًا رائعًا من العافية الكاملة من خلال مزج أفضل العلاجات المعروفة التي يتم الحصول عليها من كل ركن من أركان العالم. بالعودة إلى الزمن ، سمح لنا فهم الممارسات والطقوس والتعاليم الروحية بأن نجمع بين علاجات تنشيطية مثل العلاج العطري الحسي والتدليك السويدي العميق الاسترخاء ونقاط الضغط وإطلاق التوتر من خلال تدليك الأنسجة العميقة. تجارب للمساعدة في تنشيط وتجديد شباب.
The Panchakarma is the most significant treatment for purification and detoxification in Ayurveda. Panchakarma encompasses five therapies: the Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasti, Raktha and the Mokshana. These five therapies collectively help remove deep routed stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the three Doshas (energies that govern all biological functions). The treatment involves daily massages and oil baths, herbal enemas and nasal administrations. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a seasonal treatment for maintaining mental and physical hygiene and balance.
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Ayurveda Treatment for Rejuvenation
Our pace of life and its challenges often leave us exhausted. Our body and mind tells us to slow down and take a break to gather our energies - to ready ourselves to face these challenges once again, and with renewed vigor. We respond to this need by taking a holiday to recharge ourselves and get back to our daily life. But this ‘break’ only acts as a temporary solution, and soon enough we are back to the same state of exhaustion - much faster this time than the last. You actually need a more permanent solution – a solution that truly understands your true nature and helps you in breaking this pattern in your life. Our Sampoorna solution helps you understand your true nature and Prakruti. Your appreciation of your Prakruti will help you break certain lifestyle patterns, which are harmful for you and move to state of permanent energy and wellness. Our program basis your Prakuti first takes you through a process of rejuvenation and detoxification and advises a certain dietary, lifestyle, dhyana (meditation), asana (yoga exercises) discipline, which you are recommended to follow even after you leave Naturoville. You are also be advised to be in touch with one of our experts to act as your mentor in this process, to clarify doubts and maintain a discipline for being the best you can be.
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Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Management
The Naturoville Weight Management programme addresses the physical and emotional challenges associated with weight loss. We at Naturoville guide you in increasing your exercise activity, in addition to correct dietary controls, offering result driven spa experiences and advice on positive lifestyle changes. The journey to achieving your ideal weight will begin at Naturoville.
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تريد حزمة العافية شخصية لنفسك؟
تريد حزمة العافية شخصية لنفسك؟ تواريخ أو مدة لا تتناسب مع خططك؟ أو هل ترغب في الحصول على حزمة صحية دقيقة مصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجاتك؟ من السهل الحصول عليها حسب رغبتك. ما عليك سوى رفع طلب للحصول على حزمة مخصصة ، واحصل على جميع الإجابات عن أسئلتك في أي وقت من الأوقات. b>
غرف متوفره
تجمع هذه الغرف بين مزيج عالمي رائع من العافية الكاملة من خلال مزج أفضل العلاجات المعروفة التي يتم الحصول عليها من كل ركن من أركان العالم. بالعودة إلى الزمن ، سمح لنا فهم الممارسات والطقوس والتعاليم الروحية بأن نجمع بين علاجات تنشيطية مثل العلاج العطري الحسي والتدليك السويدي العميق الاسترخاء ونقاط الضغط وإطلاق التوتر من خلال تدليك الأنسجة العميقة. تجارب للمساعدة في تنشيط
Standard Non AC
بسيط، مريح ودافئ. مناسب لذوي الدخل المحدود. يرجى الأخذ بعين الاعتبار أنه لا يوجد تكييف في الغرف العادية. تحتوي جميع الغرف العادية على مروحة وحمام مزود بمياه ساخنة. تشمل المميزات: سريرًا مزدوجًا ومراحيض مزودة بمستلزمات الاستحمام، هاتفًا وخزانة ملابس . تتمتع الغرف العادية بإطلالة رائعة على حدائق خضراء، وبعض الغرف تتمتع باطلالة الجبل.
غرف ديلوكس
توفر الغرف جميع وسائل الراحة بالجودة المطلوبة. وهي محاطة بأشجار خشب الصندل والمانجو والعديد من الاشجار الأخرى. إضافة إلى ذلك، يوجد بها وسائل راحة أخرى مثل خزائن للملابس وخزائن آمنة.
الأكواخ ساحرة بمساحات واسعة مبنية من الخيزران الصديق للبيئة. يوجد بها هاتف وتكييف وساحة واسعة في الحمام مع دش وحوض استحمام منفصلين. الأكواخ محاطة بأشجار خشب الصندل وأشجار المانجو والعديد من الأشجار الأخرى. كما يوجد بها خزائن ملابس وخزائن آمنة.
العلاجات القائمة على العافية
Using medicated butter milk Thakradhara is a form of Shirodhara used to relieve tension and improve certain types of skin diseases including psoriasis. A continuous stream of buttermilk is poured between the temples which aids insomnia and stress and helps to improve concentration.
This treatment is useful for eye, nose and ear conditions as well as chronic headaches, spondylitis and insomnia. It also improves vision, memory, mental faculties and dermatological conditions. Medicated oil is applied to the head and body and then poured into a cylindrical cap fitted onto the head. The oil is left inside the cap and slowly drained out. The head, neck and shoulders are then gently rubbed with the oil.
Nasyam involves the massage of the face, shoulders and chest with herbal oil after which herbal extracts/oil is inhaled. The area around the nose, chest, palms and feet are then massaged vigorously. It is useful in the treatment allergies, headaches, migraine, sinusitis and other nasal infections.
Medicated powders are made into poultices and used for giving fomentation. It revives the cell of skin and offers glow and vitality. It stimulate nervous system and is helpful in backaches, joint aches, shoulder aches etc. advised in certain kinds of neurological conditions, over weight and obesity, arthritis, some types of acute pains like sciatica and lumbago.
Dhanya Kizhi
Dhanya Kizhi is a treatment of therapeutic sweating in which powdered cereals and pulses are bundled into bolus, warmed and applied all over the body. The body is fomented with linen bundles containing ingredients like cereals, horse gram, black gram, cotton seed etc. It is effective in reducing pain and inflammation in the joints, neck and lower back.
Warm medicated oil is poured continuously on the body by dipping pieces of clean cloth in herbal oil and squeezing them over the skin. The oil is then gently rubbed into the body and removed by wiping with a dry towel or by a warm water bath. It is used in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis, osteoarthritis, lumbago, sciatica and also neuropathy.
Warm medicinal puddings made of rice are applied either to specific parts of the body, or the whole body, to induce sweating. The treatment is used in musculoskeletal diseases, sciatica, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Njavara Kizhi
This treatment is a contribution from Kerala to Ayurveda and involves fomentation of the body with boluses of a speciality rice known for its medicinal and nourishment value. It is cooked in milk along with a suitable herbal decoction and is very effective for rejuvenation and nourishment. It strengthens tissues, reduces pain and inflammation and is recommended for low back pain, neck pain, rheumatism, arthritis and neuromuscular disorders.
Kadee Vasthi
A treatment designed for lumbar aches and pains by retention of oil at the lower back in a circular receptacle. Lukewarm medicated oil is slowly poured in to it and kept warm by the oil gently heated in a water bath throughout the procedure. It is specially designed to prevent osteoporosis but also recommended for pain, stiffness, degenerative changes (osteoarthritis) and sciatica.
The Snehapanam (internal oleation) is a preparatory procedure for Panchkarma therapies. The effectiveness of the Panchkarma or the purification therapies depends upon the proper mobilization of humors (Doshas) from the periphery (Śākhā) which is to be achieved through this treatment. The therapy involves oral intake of medicated or non-medicated 'Sneha' or oil. Our experts use clarified butter (obtained from cow's milk) mixed /infused with medicinal herbs. Snehapanam is done in the morning after attending to the calls of nature, on an empty stomach. The dosage will depend on the health, age, diagnosed illness and digestive capacity of the patient. The treatment lasts between five and seven days depending on the condition of the patient and the illness being treated.
It is believed that the effects of Abhyangam are similar to those received when one is saturated with love. Abhyanga is infusing the body with 'prana' or vital life force. When we infuse all our cells with love, they are revitalised and energised. It involves massaging of the body with warm oil infused with healing herbs and balancing essential oils. Abhyangam moves ‘Prana’ (vital life force energy) within the body thereby nourishing and revitalizing all body organs. It aids the removal of toxins and stimulates both arterial and lymphatic circulation. It boosts the ability of nutrients to reach starved cells and allows for the removal of stagnant waste.
Snehavasti is one among the five classical detoxification programme (Panchakarma) and specially recommended for Vata disorders. Medicated oils or ghritams are used to administer an oil enema, which nourishes and lubricates the body. The main seat of Vata dosha is the Pakwashaya (large intestine); therefore Vasti, the medicated oil enema, is the main therapy for all Vata disorders such as constipation, neurological ailments, paralysis, flatulence, lower backache, gout, and rheumatism. Sneha Vasti results in nourished and rebuilt Dhatus (body tissues); it strengthens their activities, restores and strengthens the body’s immunity. It is particularly helpful in curing gastric and neurological disorders, acidity, acute and chronic aches, headache and other degenerative disorders.
In Kashayavasti, a herbal decoction made of honey, rock salt, medicated oil and herbs is administered through the anal route. A massage with warm herbal oils is given before the treatment. The treatment is administered as per prescribed dosage under supervision. The body dispels all toxins with the faecal matter. This treatment is particularly helpful in curing gastric and neurological disorders, acidity, acute and chronic aches, headaches, migraines and other degenerative disorders. It is a very effective detox and weight loss procedure.
Pranic healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system of ‘no-touch’ energy healing. Pranic healing focuses on cleansing and energizing. Cleansing means removal of the diseased energy from the health aura and energizing means adding ‘prana’ or life energy to the affected area. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground within the recipient's body to address physical and emotional imbalances. Experts focus on cleansing the Aura to achieve inner stillness and calm in those who are suffering from acute mental stress and depression.